Basic Tools
Sort Text
Sort a list in alphabetical, natural, reverse or random order.
Convert Case
Change the letter case to uppercase, lowercase, title case, sentence case, or capitalize.
Find & Replace
Find all the instances the text appears in a text and replace it with another word.
Reverse List
Flip a list vertically to transform a list in reverse order.
Difference Checker
Compare text files and find the difference between the two.
Word Count
Find out how much words, characters, sentences and paragraphs you have written.
Text Manipulation
Add Prefix & Suffix
Place any character/s at the beginning and/or at the end of each line.
Add Line Breaks
Split a block of text into multiple lines by adding line breaks/new line.
Remove Line Breaks
Remove all line breaks in a text or replace it with a different character.
Concatenate Text
Combine/merge two documents by concatenating texts line by line.
Split Text
Specify the delimiter and split a text into individual columns, or by new line.
Extract Column
Split a delimited text and grab a specific column.
Swap Columns
Swap two columns from a delimited text.
Clean Text
Remove Spaces
Trim leading and trailing spaces and convert multiple spaces into a single space.
Remove Duplicate Lines
Find indentical lines in a document and delete duplicates to clean up your text.
Remove Empty Lines
Get rid of all the lines in a text that only consist of spaces or tabs.
Remove Diacritics
Remove diacritics to transform accented letters into latin characters.
Remove Unwanted Characters
Remove specific unwanted characters, or delete all non-alphanumeric from text.
Strip HTML Tags
Strips out all HTML tags from a markdown text.
Text Formatting
Add Line Numbers
Add sequential numbers, letters, or roman numerals at the beginning of each line.
Add Commas to Numbers
Add commas/periods to unformatted numbers in a text.
Replace Smart/Straight Quotes
Replace curly/smart quotes with regular straight quotes, and vice versa.
Tabs to Spaces
Take up less white space by converting tabs to spaces.
Spaces to Tabs
Convert spaces to tabs for formatting purposes.
Pad Text
Pad text to the left or right with spaces or any character.
Word Wrap
Wrap a text based on specified character length per line.
Justify Text
Wraps words to a specified length and justifies the text in each line.
Center Text
Center text horizontally by equally padding the left and the right side with spaces.
Transform Text
HTML Obfuscator
Obfuscate and protect your html code completely against copying.
Javascript Obfuscator
Obfuscate and protect your javascript code completely against copying.
Node JS Obfuscator
Obfuscate and protect your Node JS code completely against copying.
PHP Obfuscator
Obfuscate and protect your PHP code completely against copying or editing.
Password Generator
Generate a set of secure password with options to change the length and character set.
Filler Text
Generate a placeholder/dummy text for your mockup design.
Qr Code Generator
Generate a QR Code with custom colors, images, etc.
Font Generator
Generate a custom font for instagram, facebook, etc.